So last Wednesday was the Fourth of July. It is significant to me for multiple reasons.
1. It is America's day of independence.
2. It is a purely American holiday.
3. It is full of fireworks, grilling, and hanging outside.
Another reason the Fourth of July is important to me is because it is a day to truly remember the reasons it is great to be an American. Now a days you constantly hear people bad mouthing America and how horrible of a place it is and how much they hate being an American. Well I, my friends, am PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! This is my country and will always be. There are so many things I love about being an American. The opportunity to do whatever I want with my life and stand up for what I believe in. Yeah someone might try to tear me down but that is their right to speak their mind too. Yes we are going through some rough times but the rest of the world is too. What truly makes me proud to be an American is when I hear stories of people who help out those less fortunate or going through tough times. It is beautiful to see others helping their brothers through tough times. No man left behind. I know this is more a combat phrase but what if we all treated others this way. I'm not saying every body gets equal but just saying that we should help people get back on their feet until they can walk on their own. I've heard people say when they go to other countries they don't like to say they are from the United States. I think that is ridiculous. That is like saying you are embarrassed by what you are. I will always proudly say I am an American citizen because that is what I am.
So normally I don't really do anything on the fourth but this year I had a wonderful fourth. Tim came into town with his roommate Lisa and we all went out to Freedom Fest on Fort Hood with his brother Derek, Derek's girlfriend and his friend Ethan and their Mom. In all the years I have lived next to Fort Hood, and that's all 23 years of my life, I have never been to see the fireworks. The main reason Tim wanted to go, and therefore I got to go, was because Kelly Clarkson was performing. I must say that was definitely a good reason to go. We had so much fun even though it was hot. We went on one ride which I laughed the entire time and then went through a fun house. We also waited in line for like an hour to get lemonade.

Kelly Clarkson was great. She fractured her foot so she couldn't really move around the stage like she normally would but it was still a great performance. She sounds just as great live as she does on her albums. She even brought a soldier up to sing with her. After Kelly performed was the fireworks display. They were really pretty. I love watching fireworks. I don't trust myself to shoot them but I love watching them lol.
Over all it was a great night and we had a lot of fun hanging out with each other.