Well here it is! The end of a year and the start of another. Glad to see we all made it through the "End of the World." I for one did not buy into that but it's funny to joke about. A lot has happened this year, in general and personally, and it's nice to look back on it all. This is some of my top tens of the year, not in any particular order.
1. Moving back home in May.
2. Figuring out just how tough job hunting is.
3. Becoming completely enraptured into the Hunger Games. (I'm a Tribute!)
4. Getting our new puppy Sammy in July.
5. Doing a mini overhaul of our house while trying to figure out where to put all my stuff after moving home.
6. Becoming a 100% Directioner! (Fan of One Direction)
7. Derek graduating high school.
8. Getting to go to Waco to see Sam Houston play Baylor and Derek march in the Baylor band.
9. Being the maid of honor in Shannon's wedding in August.
10. Having a whole year to relax without any obligations.
I know there are many other things I'm missing but it's been a long year I honestly can't remember everything that happened but it was great. Now I'm gonna talk about some others top tens of mine this year. You may not agree but I also don't always think like everyone else lol.

10. Pitch Perfect
9. The Lorax
8. Brave
7. The Vow
6. The Lucky One
5. Katy Perry: Part of Me
4. The Avengers
3. The Dark Knight Rises
2. Breaking Dawn Part 2
1. The Hunger Games
I would include The Hobbit and Les Miserables but I haven't seen them. I know I'm going to like them though.

10. Scrubs (I know it's off the air but I started buying the DVDs lol)
9. Glee
8. The Office
7. Doctor Who
6. How I Met Your Mother
5. The X-Factor
4. CSI
3. Big Bang Theory
2. Criminal Minds
1. Once Upon a Time

10. Nicki Minaj
9. The Wanted
8. Justin Bieber
7. Demi Lovato
6. Kelly Clarkson
5. Katy Perry
4. Taylor Swift
3. P!nk
2. Ed Sheeran
1. One Direction
I won't do my top songs cause they would pretty much be all One Direction but these artists had some of my favorite songs of the year.
So those are a few of the things that kept me entertained this year while I didn't do a darn thing. I guess that's what happens when you finish school and can't find a job.
In 2013 I hope to:
- Find a Job!
- Lose weight, or rather start myself on a healthy path to losing weight.
- Spend more time with the friends who I have close and stay in contact with those who aren't. (geographically close)
- Stop procrastinating on things and do them when I think about them.
- Do at least one productive thing a day.
- Blog more frequently.
- Be less negative. (I don't want to say be more positive because that makes me sound like I'm not very positive to begin with lol)
- Read more! (I have so many books to read sitting on my shelves!)
- Continue helping my parents get our house under control. (I swear we are on the verge of being on hoarders. Ok, maybe not that bad but if we don't stop it now we will be)
- Continue to be me but perfect the areas that need a little polishing.
I guess that's kinda my new years resolution right there, but it's more so things I've already started on and just want to continue to improve on. Well Happy New Year and lets all keep making ourselves better and better and help others be better too.
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