Monday, July 23, 2012

A Dark Knight Indeed

The much anticipated The Dark Knight Rises finally came out this weekend and I was one of the many people who couldn't wait to see it. I honestly considered going to the midnight showing if there was one in our town. I ultimately decided not to which is good since my Dad would have surgery that next day and we had to leave our house at 4:30 am!!! He is doing fine and came home the next day as planned.

However thousands went to midnight showings all over the country and sadly one group of those people will remember that night more than anyone. It is truly terrible what happened in Aurora, Colorado. None of us can say exactly why this coward did what he did except himself, but no explanation will be enough because people lost their lives. No matter the reason, those people are gone and the lives of those around them are forever changed. I hear many people speculating about why this happened or what may have pushed him over the edge, but this makes me think of a quote from one of my favorite shows Criminal Minds. The gist of the quote is "You cannot explain an irrational action with rational reasons." What this man did was irrational, and if we try to use rational thinking to understand what he did we will never be satisfied. We all must have faith in our justice system that he will be punished for the crime he committed and ultimately judged by God who will give him the final punishment. We as a people must leave the punishment to the justice system and turn our focus to the victims. By honoring and remembering the victims we take away the power this man has, another tidbit I learned from Criminal Minds. I will follow the example of Jessica Ghawi's brother and refuse to use the shooter's name out of respect for the victims. They should be better known than him.

These are the people who should be remembered. Not the coward who took them away from this world.
With that said, I finally saw The Dark Knight Rises on Saturday evening with Cassi, Rob, Cassi's brother Tony, and their Dad. I was extremely pleased with the movie. It definitely lived up to hype. Anne Hathaway really impressed me as Catwoman. I was a little skeptical when it was announced she would be Catwoman but she did a wonderful job. It really shows her range as an actress and makes me like her even more. I would recommend it to anyone who is debating seeing it. Go! Totally worth it.

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